
Get More
Leads, Customers,
Sales & Growth

Lead Box is a powerful suite of marketing tools that work together to help you grow your business rapidly and affordably.
Lead Box

Till Now

You were getting

Less Traffic

Less Traffic

Higher Bounce Rate

Higher Bounce Rate

No Sales

No Sales

Higher Monthly Spends

Higher Monthly Spends

And You Failed

Fail To Grab Attention

To Grab Attention

Fail To Impress

To Impress

Fail Persuade to Take an Action

To Persuade to Take an Action

With Lead Box………YOU CAN

Decrease in ad cost
Ad Cost
Increase in traffic
Increase in leads
Increase in sales

Lead Magnets

The RIGHT tools to help you grow your business
check sheet
Free Consultations
Free Subscriptions

But don’t just take our word for it


Our experience working with Animon Live has always been a pleasurable one. From simple websites to thought through digital marketing to complex web apps, Shailendra and team had always been instrumental in taking the brand to the next level.
Shreesh Shankar

Shailendra and his team at Animon Live are extremely patient in understanding a client’s requirements. Not just that, they suggest cost effective options if the client’s budget is limited. Most importantly, they speak in a language that a layperson can understand.
Tejeesh Nippun Singh

Great team to work with, very attentive and react to request immediately. We are really pleased with our group website. Thank you Animon Live. We look forward to a long-term relationship.
Vijay Chaudhary

It all starts with how you
persuade your prospects about the
value in your services

Value in your services
You could give out many useful lead magnets like ebooks, check-sheets, tools, free subscription, templates, tutorials, How to guides, white papers, free consultations and many more. But, unless you have an idea to start with and the perfect plan to execute, your website won’t generate results.


Watch the videos to understand – How some of our clients used THEM!!!!!!

3 Step Plan

Discuss your requirement

Discuss your requirement with expert

Integrate Lead box system

Discuss your requirement with expert

Get started generating leads

Discuss your requirement with expert

Leads Guaranteed

5 Leads Guaranteed

and see your PROSPECTS Shoot Up !!!!!
All you Need IS
5 Easy Steps to Generate Leads Using Lead Magnets

5 Easy Steps to Generate Leads Using Lead Magnets

Download our guide on how to create high quality, lead-worthy magnets and get more customers than ever, that too for FREE !

Give your Sales a Boost

GET your lead magnet Tailor-Made to Generate
Get Beautifully Crafted Lead Magnets
Optimized for your Buyers to give them the BEST FIRST contact experience!
Professional lead magnet

Detailed buyer research


Strategized Delivery methods that compliments your magnet


Delivered Content gives a feel of Million Bucks!


Designed to make your subscribers come back for MORE!


Short and effective delivery of results to win LEADS and move them down the sales funnel

Content delivered for free, must feel like it’s a million bucks!
From the smallest details like using the right font and size that oozes warmth, to choosing the right color pallet that makes people feel comfortable. A Lead magnet is not just some collection of tips and tricks you send out, it’s a journey. And like every great journey has a beautiful destination, magnet should make your subscribers come back for more!
Detailed buyer research

Who you’re writing for is even more important than what you are writing. Make use of Buyer research carried out by data analyst, and content written specifically to attract your targets audience.

Buyer Specific
Valuable Content
Content valuable to the prospect

No longer guess what your buyers want. Figure out what they need and deliver. Find a common problem that your targets face and provide a quick solution.

Short and effective delivery

The quicker you can get them results, the better. Don’t write a book or a massive 2 month email plan when not needed. Give them a quick win and move them down the sales funnel quicker!

Rapid consumption
Irresistible lead magnets
Irresistible lead magnets

Choose a delivery method that compliments your magnet , and with all the points above executed to perfection, turn your leads into your customer in no time!

5 Easy Steps to Generate Leads Using Lead Magnets

5 Easy Steps to Generate Leads Using Lead Magnets

Download our guide on how to create high quality, lead-worthy magnets and get more customers than ever, that too for FREE !
The perfect lead magnet, check!!
Your lead magnet is surely the best in the market, but how will you convince prospective leads to download it? That’s where a landing page tailor made for your business comes into play. Much like this landing page has been successful in holding your attention for so long, the Lead Magnet’s landing page should too!
Get an engaging
Landing Page.

Personalized and Customized to a specific Target Audience with a Relevant Offer


Professional & Eye-Catching


Holds buyer’s attention


Addresses Buyer’s paint points


Has Well Connected Sections with LESS Distractions


MORE Call to Actions that captures leads and drive sales

Complete solutions that lead to successful sales
Complete solutions
that lead to successful sales
And to top it all off, a well constructed thank you page!

Many businesses don’t take full advantage of thank you page opportunities because they’re not sure how best to use them. As a result, many companies are missing out on the opportunity to convert more customers into leads and eventually customers.

A well-designed thank you page can be an excellent way to increase sales
By providing users with additional information about your company or products that could help convince them that they should buy from you instead of one of your competitors.

It also gives you another chance to include CTAs for social sharing or email signups so that even if someone isn’t ready yet, he’ll know where he can go when he is!

Thank you page
The most successful brands are always those who think of their
clients as individuals and not just a number.

And you can convey that using a great thank you page.

A well designed page
Personalized to treat your buyers as individuals and not just numbers
Thank you page
Uses most of the space to add a more personalized touch in your business
Appreciates prospects for taking the action
Conveys that you want to help your buyers to succeed
Improves customer retention
Increases conversion rates
Hooray! Your target audience is now interested in your remarkable products!
So It’s crucial that you make a lasting first impression on your prospects. And what better way to achieve that, than a Personalized Welcome Email!

Did you know that Welcome emails have one of the highest opening rates? Almost 50% !!! Since every other subscriber is definitely opening your mail, it is important that you have something grasping to convey when they are all ears!

Welcome Email
Personalised to Add Value & Not to Sell

Welcome emails have one of the highest opening rates. Almost 50% !!! Since every other subscriber is definitely opening your mail, it is important that you have something that piques their interests when they are all ears!

  • Gives enormous value and show how the lead generator is a SOLUTION to the problem.
  • Less Texts more HOWs with a purpose
  • Builds Trust
  • Creates the perfect start for a valuable Nurture Sequence
  • No oversell
Welcome email
Get Lead Nurturing campaigns
Automated E-mail sequences designed for your specific audience
Lead Nurturing campaigns
  • Position your brand as the Guide
  • Remind people of the problem you solve
  • Create Value with free advice that delivers result
  • Handle Objections by stimulating conversations
  • Remind your buyer of your existence

What is a Nurture Sequence and why do I need it?

Well, gathering leads and storing them in your database is only useful if you constantly nurture those leads!
Only 3% of your leads are ready to buy at a moment’s notice. What about the rest 97%?
Stay on top of mind

When someone is on the verge of becoming a customer, you want to be top-of-mind. That way when they are ready to buy it’s an easy choice since we’re already in their head!

Stay on top
Deliver result
Deliver results in advance

When a potential customer takes your free advice and uses it to get results, the thought that lingers is “What benefits I could get for the full paid Service!”

It’s compelling when your free tips get them positive results!

Stimulate a conversation

By engaging with your potential customers you build a relationship and trust that makes it easy for them to buy from you!

Built relation
Take action
Let them take action when the time is right!

It could be a subtle offer like “30% off” or maybe a CTA that peaks their interest and finally pushes them to convert!

But do not worry!

You don’t have to execute this tedious task alone!

Get email Nurture Sequences that are sure to
boost your conversions and increase sales considerably!

Social Media Marketing
Well Strategized to Increase Brand Awareness
  • Keeps you connected to your audiences and listen to what they have to say
  • Delivers Value-driven content made for your services
  • Gathers data by being more interactive with call to actions.
  • Engages your followers and, converts clicks to Happy Buyers!
  • Builds Customer Loyalty
Social Media Marketing
Still Confused, Worried,
Whether or Not it Will Work!!!!!!!!
5 Easy Steps to Generate Leads Using Lead Magnets

5 Easy Steps to Generate Leads Using Lead Magnets

Download our guide on how to create high quality, lead-worthy magnets and get more customers than ever, that too for FREE !

Don’t miss out!

50% of small businesses are not using
social media to advertise!

Use Social Media To Boost Brand Recognition
Use Social Media To Boost Brand Recognition
Create a Conversation around your awesome services
Stay Connected to your audiences and listen to what they have to say
Gather data from your audiences action
Keep your followers engaged and Happy!
Build Customer Loyalty
Use Social Media for Ad Campaigns and increase awareness/sales astronomically!!
High-quality content to increase engagement
Capturing InfoGraphics that deliver your message
Value-driven content curated for your services
Content planner and strategies for different trends and time frames
Use Social Media for Ad Campaigns and increase awareness


Get More Leads, More Customers,
More Sales and More Growth

Lead Magnet

INR 15,000


INR 25,000

Landing Page

INR 80,000

Thank you Page

INR 5,000

Welcome Email

INR 5,000

Email Sequence

INR 30,000

Social Posts

INR 30,000

Ad Creatives

INR 40,000

INR 2,30,000

Leads Guaranteed
No tricks. No hidden fees.
Just Pure Results.

5 Leads Guaranteed


Get more leads, more customers,
more sales and more growth

Lead Box
Lead Magnet
Landing Page

Thank you Page

Welcome Email
Email Sequence
Social Posts
Ad Creatives

INR 15,000

INR 25,000

INR 80,000

INR 5,000

INR 5,000

INR 30,000

INR 30,000

INR 40,000

INR 2,30,000
All you Need is the RIGHT Lead Magnet tailor made for your business and see your PROSPECTS Shoot Up !!!!!
Why Animon Live?
Locate us
Your business, your geography, your customers and your culture is different from your competitors’, so should be your ad and campaign strategy. We at Animon Live, discover why your business, the way you manage your customers, your organisation culture is different and unique.

You get a plan, support and solution which is tailor made ONLY for your business and can not be copied by your competitors irrespective of the fact whether they serve exactly the same market or similar target audience.

Find us social media connects
Trusted by
karmic tree
start solar
fusion group

The fastest way to your Perfect lead Magnet.

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